The only difference between the original package and the custom one is the reduced vertical sensitivity (and only the vertical one). With the default options my touchpad works "just right", ie by moving my finger from left to right and up to down on the whole touchpad makes the pointer cover exactly the whole desktop area on the screen. Anyway, I never used the gnome mouse settings, so I don't know how it works. However, if the touchpad works good on gdm, then gnome mouse settings has probably messed up some settings for your session.booyau wrote: I installed all of the packages from the modified NC10 repository, including xserver-xorg-input-synaptics. The first thing I noticed was that the overall sensitivity of my trackpad decreased significantly. One swipe across the trackpad now goes only about 2 inches across the screen. I fooled with the Gnome Mouse settings, but sensitivity doesn't seem to do anything. If I turn acceleration all the way up to max, the trackpad is usable again, but difficult due to the high acceleration. It seems mostly OK as gdm comes up, but once I login and Gnome starts, the sensitivity drops by about half.
Yes, the default value is 0.6 now, I'll update the main post to reflect the change.booyau wrote: I checked the .fdi file, and it says VertAdjustmentFactor is at 0.6 - i assume you changed your default value?
That's strange. Did you restarted the hal daemon and the xserver to use the new settings from the .fdi file?booyau wrote: However, even if I change the factor to 4 in the.fdi file or use synclient, it doesn't have any effect on the pointer.
If you want to change settings on the fly, you have to use the 'synclient' utility.
Are you using jaunty? If so, the latest available kernel from official repositories is the 2.6.28-11. On intrepid, the latest one is the 2.6.27-14 (from proposed repositories).booyau wrote: FYI: I'm running kernel 2.6.28-8. I'm not sure if that makes any difference. I believe that's the kernel that my system thinks is the most "up to date".
The 'linux-backports-modules' and 'alsa-drivers' packages on my repository are for these kernels only.