I've twice ran into trouble with compiz plugins (Ubuntu 8.10) on my Samsung NC10 which have forced me to completely remove and re-install compiz. In one case (Magnifier), I was unable to even get the shell to appear, and had to go into repair mode. We should probably compile a list of various plugins/apps that are no good for the NC10.
So far, I've found these compiz plug-ins may kill your NC10 display and require a purge of compiz, even if you just accidentally click on them in the settings manager:
Bicubic filter
There must be more. I'm afraid of testing out some of the plug-ins. I may even remove the bad ones altogether.
"dangerous" apps/plugins list for NC10
RE: "dangerous" apps/plugins list for NC10
You are right, both plugins you listed don't work.
Anyway, they both work in jaunty.
Anyway, they both work in jaunty.