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Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 15:38
by voria
Come on, let's spend some words to introduce ourselves to the community here!

Me first! :D

I'm italian, I am a linux user from many years now.
Computers and technologies are my passion, I love and actively support the free software because I think it's one of the most beautiful expressions of what the mankind can do when it's driven by passion and common sense. :)

Mmm, what else? I play guitar when I have free time and I like it :P

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 18 Feb 2009, 20:29
by ingo86
Here I am.

I'm italian like Voria.
I tried for the first time linux in 2003, and but i started playing seriously with it around 2005.
I obviously love computers and my main occupation is website developing. I like security too.
I love open source and I contribute into Drupal develop process.


Posted: 16 May 2009, 09:06
by dannii
Hi, I thought I would say hi, I'm new here. I'm completely new to linux but am liking it already. I sussed out the wifi yesterday on my samsung nc10. So still trying to susse other things out.. This is hard work though......


RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 16 May 2009, 11:06
by voria
Welcome to the forum, dannii!
I'm glad to know the linux community has earned a new member, I hope you will enjoy your linux experience on your NC10 (and on any other pc, who knows ;))

I merged your message with this topic to keep presentations in the same place.

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 22 May 2009, 14:47
by summel

I'm summel (Benjamin) from Germany. I'm 23 years old and i use archlinux with kde4

(i would use kubuntu, but they always break too much stuff, sometimes even stuff that worked before... i mean... no wpa2 per default in 9.04 oO wtf?)

i also have a macbook but i dont "really" like mac os... but its better then windows, and photoshop/indesign/illustrator works on it :)

i'm into music, books, webdesign, computer, -games, furrys ^_^

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 16:46
by nero23666
Hi there got my nc10 yesterday. And the first thing i did was installing ubuntu 9.04 on it.

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 16:59
by voria
You know this is the wrong thread for asking for help, still you are asking for it here. Why?
Really, I'm curious to know the reasons for acting like that.

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 17:11
by nero23666
Ohh k i updated it..sorry for that.

So i just introduce myself. Hi there its me nero23666 ;)

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 17:42
by stuartherbert
Hi, I'm Stuart from the UK. I've been using Linux since the early 90's, and for several years I was a developer for Gentoo Linux. I love using Linux on servers and for development desktops, but I much prefer OS X as a general desktop :) The NC10 is the first machine I've installed Ubuntu onto, and my friends and work colleagues will tell you I haven't stopped swearing at it since.

My main blog is over at, but I'm currently putting together a separate blog about getting the most out of netbooks like the NC10 -

Have to say that Voria's work with the Ubuntu packages is first rate, and I can't thank him enough for having published them.

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 19:38
by voria
Welcome to the forum, I'm glad to see you here!

Just for the record, I've been a Gentoo user for several years... that distro teached me a lot. :)
During the last few years I have gradually moved to binary distros, but gentoo remains one of my favourites.
So, thanks for your work as Gentoo developer. ;)

Right now, I think Ubuntu is the best distro for the NC10. Easy to setup, with an huge base of ready-to-install software. The perfect distro for a PC aimed to be always ready to use.

Last but not least, actually I can't thank you enough for your reworked nc10-scripts.
My TODO list now is one line shorter and this is a great thing! :D

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 20:50
by stuartherbert
'voRia' pid='1494' dateline='1246041509' wrote: Last but not least, actually I can't thank you enough for your reworked nc10-scripts.
My TODO list now is one line shorter and this is a great thing! :D
Hehe - thanks, but I can't take too much credit. You'd already done the hard work in writing the scripts in the first place.

Best regards,

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 15:00
by wix
Hi I'm Willy from France, I'm 23 y.o. and finishing with studies (master of science). I spend with 2 last years programming an autonomous mobile robot.

I just bought a NC10 on with I'm installing Gentoo, this is my "first" experience on linux (I mean on my own computer). I aslo have an Imac with a Win/Mac dual boot.

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 18:23
by voria
Welcome :)

Gentoo on NC10 is more than a challenge, good luck ;)

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 18:55
by wix
The more I configure the more I realise this ^^

RE: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 06:58
by wayeast
HI, my name is Huston. I'm an American teaching in China and have fallen in love with Linux. I recently bought an nc10 and, in a flash of zeal, immediately discarded the pre-installed Windows OS. Since then, I've put way more time than I would like into getting everything (no, most things) to work on it. Thus, stumbling upon this forum and Voria's repo was an immense relief. Voria, you are a true hero, one to be praised unto the stars. I regret to say that I am not a programmer and thus am helpless to contribute code to your efforts, but I would like to post the occasional query, if you don't mind. I will try to find the appropriate thread to add my two cents. Thanks for the efforts of all of the contributors to linux on the nc10!